Vaginal Tightening

Vaginal Tightening



Vaginal Tightening

vajinal daraltma

Vaginal tearing and enlargement, which are frequently seen in women after the birth process, especially due to normal birth, can cause serious problems. Sexual dissatisfaction is one of the most common problems in women as a result of the loosening of the vagina and the loss of its former tightness. At the beginning of the issues that cause vaginal enlargement; aging, normal birth, abortion and similar interventions come. Especially after the difficult normal delivery process, tears in the muscle and connective tissue inside the vagina and permanent enlargement of the vagina may occur.

The vagina is an organ made up of muscle and connective tissue where sexual intercourse takes place in women. The length of the vagina is about 8-10 cm. The depersonalization that occurs with the decrease of muscle and connective tissue over the years can cause the sexual pleasure of the male and female partners to be negatively affected. The inability to feel mechanical pleasure during sexual intercourse can lead to cooling off from sexual intercourse, sexual reluctance and anorgasmia problem over time. Although the vagina usually enlarges due to the normal birth process, aging, frequent sexual intercourse, smoking, genetic factors, menopause, abortion, frequent gynecological examinations and miscarriage can also be counted among the reasons for the enlargement of the vagina.

After childbirth, women may complain of vaginal laxity caused by stretching of tissues and separation of muscles, sometimes to the stage where a tampon falls off. This is one of the most important causes of sexual dysfunction.

With vaginoplasty, the separated muscles are brought together and the mucous skin on the back of the vagina is removed. In addition, it may be possible to remove the outer skin to obtain a more aesthetic appearance.

What is Vaginal Tightening (Vaginoplasty)?

Vaginoplasty is the procedure of choice for the treatment of a variety of medical problems, including vaginal injuries from childbirth and complications of pelvic floor disease. The scope of the vaginoplasty procedure, which is a method to improve the appearance or function of the vagina, is shaped depending on the expectations and needs of the patient. Vaginoplasty, which is a surgical procedure applied to the walls of the vagina for the purpose of narrowing and tightening the vagina of the female genital organ, restores the wear and tear in the vaginal area due to birth or aging.

After the amount of tightening desired to be achieved in vaginoplasty surgery is determined, the excess skin that needs to be removed from the vagina is determined. The tissues under the skin are tightened with strong sutures. After the vaginal canal is tightened, the mucosal skin is closed by suturing. If there is a skin that protrudes outward, this part can also be removed for a more aesthetic appearance.

Who Is Vaginal Tightening Suitable For ?

Vaginoplasty, one of the cosmetic gynecology procedures, can be applied to women whose vaginas are enlarged due to a large number of normal deliveries. As a result, the muscles cannot grasp the penis during sexual intercourse and sexual dysfunctions occur. For this reason, at later ages; urinary incontinence, uterine prolapse and large intestine prolapse may be encountered. Vaginoplasty procedure can be used to eliminate these problems.

Vaginoplasty can also be an effective solution for people who have problems such as urinary incontinence or difficulty making bowel movements due to birth traumas and weakening of the muscles. Women who want the repair of birth defects or trauma to improve sexual function, who need vaginal reconstruction after removal of the vagina for various reasons, people who have undergone sex reassignment surgery, and women born with congenital abnormalities that affect the development of the vagina are considered candidates for the vaginoplasty procedure.

Why is Vaginal Tightening Performed?

Vaginal tightening, namely vaginoplasty;

  • Gas discharge or air sounds to an uncomfortable point during sexual intercourse,
  • Loss of elasticity and damage in the internal genital system due to normal birth,
  • Negative effects on sexual life due to vaginal enlargement,
  • Sagging of the intestines and bladder,
  • Feeling pain during sexual intercourse,
  • It can be applied in cases of loss of self-confidence in women due to such problems.

After the vaginoplasty surgery, a significant improvement is achieved in the sexual life of the patients. Since the looseness in the vagina is removed, the sexual lives of the couples are positively affected.

Concentration during sexual intercourse is very important for couples orgasm. When the vagina loosens and loses its vitality, strange sounds may occur during sexual intercourse. This problem can be eliminated with vaginoplasty.

Especially after giving birth, the sagging vagina can cause painful sexual intercourse. For this reason, vaginoplasty can be performed both to improve the aesthetic appearance and to reduce the looseness. Having a functionally and aesthetically corrected vagina increases self-confidence in women.

How Is Vaginal Tightening Performed?

vajinal daraltma nasıl yapılır

Vaginoplasty is a procedure performed under general anesthesia. It takes between 30 and 40 minutes on average. Vaginoplasty, which is a reconstructive procedure, aims to regain the former density and elasticity of the vaginal tissue that has been enlarged and damaged for various reasons. For this purpose, the deformed vaginal tissue is removed. The surrounding muscles and other tissue are tightened. It is ensured that it becomes noteworthy. Since the enlargement of the vaginal tissue can be at different levels in each patient, the surgery is performed by planning for the patient.

When vaginoplasty is performed to repair postpartum injuries; excess skin is removed. Loose tissue in part or all of the vagina is fixed with sutures. Vaginal opening is reduced.

In the vaginoplasty procedure performed to repair congenital defects; A functional vagina is created. Excess tissues or abnormal structures are removed. Actions are taken to prevent the accumulation of blood during menstruation.

In vaginoplasty performed as a part of sex reassignment surgery, male external genitalia are completely removed and reconstructed. The skin of the penis and scrotum is used to form the vaginal canal and labia.

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