





The number of fat cells in the human body does not increase after puberty. However, in cases where more calories are consumed than consumed and the calories taken cannot be spent, the volume of fat cells may increase due to weight gain. For this reason, in order to lose excess weight, a balanced and healthy nutrition program should be applied and regular exercise should be done at the same time.

However, even if some people follow a regular exercise and balanced diet program, stubborn fat deposits may occur in some parts of their bodies. Liposuction procedure can be applied to people who are at or close to their ideal weight, but have stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to regular exercise and diet in certain parts of their body.

In liposuction, which is a body shaping surgery, stubborn fat deposits are removed and fat cells are permanently removed from the body. Thus, the body is shaped. The liposuction procedure, which can be applied to many different areas such as the thigh, hip, abdomen, arms, neck, jowl, back, cheek, chest, knee, should not be considered as a weight loss method.

The liposuction procedure, which can be applied with different methods, can also be combined with different aesthetic surgery procedures such as abdominoplasty, BBL, breast augmentation if necessary.

What is Liposuction?

liposuction; It is the procedure of absorbing stubborn fat deposits formed in certain parts of the body, which cannot be removed with regular exercise and diet, by means of special injectors or a special vacuum to remove them from the body.

In the liposuction procedure, small incisions may be made, although it varies according to the techniques applied. Since the incisions are extremely small, the probability of scarring after the application is very low. However, in this case, it should not be forgotten that some factors such as the skin structure of the person are decisive.

Liposuction can be applied to men. Since the structural features of men are different from women, internal fat is more common in men than in women. Such intra-abdominal structures cannot be removed with the liposuction procedure. Subcutaneous adipose tissue can be removed by liposuction in men with good abdominal muscles and abdominal wall, no muscle separation and less intraabdominal fat.

Although the fat cells in the area are permanently removed with the liposuction application, the remaining fat cells in the area do not lose their ability to store fat and grow in size. For this reason, in order for the results obtained with liposuction to be permanent; a healthy diet program should be applied, regular exercise should be done, plenty of water should be consumed and a healthy body weight should be maintained.

Why is Liposuction Done?

liposuction; It is an effective procedure for removing fat deposits that do not respond to regular diet and exercise, appearing in areas such as the abdomen, upper arms, hips, calves, ankles, back, chest, thighs, chin and neck. In addition, effective results can be obtained by using the liposuction method in breast reduction and gynecomastia treatments.

Who Is Liposuction Suitable For?

Liposuction ;

  • At or close to ideal weight,
  • Having stubborn fat deposits in certain parts of the body that are resistant to regular exercise and diet,
  • Not during pregnancy or lactation,
  • n general health, there is no problem that prevents the application,
  • Uneven body fat distribution
  • Having gynecomastia problem,
  • It can be applied to people with tight and elastic skin.

However, in some cases, the application of the liposuction procedure may not be sufficient to resolve the patient’s existing problems. If the patient has sagging skin in addition to regional stubborn fat deposits, a stretching surgery may also be needed. Because liposuction is not a procedure that allows the skin to recover. In addition, liposuction is not a method that can be used to remove cracks in the body.

Who Is Abdominoplasty Suitable For?


  • Abdominal fat that cannot be removed by regular exercise and a balanced diet due to various reasons,
  • Abdominal disfigurement due to pregnancy or excessive weight loss,
  • Cracks and deformations in the abdomen,
  • Abdominoplasty can be applied to people whose abdominal muscles are weakened for various reasons. .

What are the Types of Liposuction?

Liposuction can be applied using multiple different methods.

Wet Technique (Integral Technique) Liposuction: Before starting the application, intravenous fluids containing lidocaine, epinephrine and saline are injected into the area. Lidocaine numbs the treatment area, while epinephrine, a vasoconstrictor, causes temporary contraction of the vessels to prevent excessive bleeding, while the saline solution dilutes it. When the liquid is injected, the fat is removed more easily as the tissue in the area swells and hardens. Excess fat is sucked out with a cannula placed through a small incision in the skin and connected to a vacuum-like machine.

Vaser Liposuction: In this technique, which is applied as an alternative to traditional liposuction, the fat cells are liquefied before they are removed. The procedure, also known as Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction, uses ultrasound energy, which is a vibrating energy without being heard by the human ear. Ultrasound energy, which produces a high amount of heat, enters the skin with a wave pattern and reaches the fat under the skin. The fat is melted by the heat produced. After a special solution mixed with anesthetics is injected into the application area, the fat cells are broken down using Vaser ultrasound probes. After the vibration separates and dissolves the fat cells and emulsifies the fluid infused into the application area, the fluid and fat cells are removed by cannula. Vaser liposuction is a procedure that provides the protection of other tissues while the fat is dissolved. In this way, since the adipose tissue is easily separated from the surrounding connective tissue, a tighter and smoother skin is achieved. Vaser liposuction is usually applied to areas such as the stomach and the sides of the waist that cannot be achieved with regular exercise. After this method, which causes less bruising and bleeding compared to the classical method, the patient can immediately return to his daily routine.

Laser Liposuction: Although it is difficult to reach with traditional methods, it is an advantageous technique for accessing body parts that can adapt very well to body shaping with laser. In this technique, after the targeted fat is liquefied with laser energy, it is removed using a thin cannula. It is considered one of the most effective techniques because the heat applied while the adipose tissue is broken down provides tightening of the tissues. Since it only targets fat cells, it protects muscle and nerve tissue. In case the laser lipolysis technique is applied in small areas such as under the chin and inside the arms, it is expected that the fats will be metabolically excreted by the kidneys and liver after they are broken down by laser.

How is Liposuction Performed?

liposuction nasıl yapılır

Liposuction is basically a cosmetic procedure applied to remove stubborn fat from the body. Before starting the liposuction procedure, stubborn fat deposits are removed and the area to be shaped is determined. In order to reduce the feeling of pain, a mixed liquid solution is injected into the application area. Afterwards, cannulas connected to a vacuum machine are placed in the area through the 1-2 mm incisions. Excess fat is sucked out by vacuum machine and cannulas. By moving the vacuum pipe on the surface, the oil is broken up and discharged as quickly as possible. After the application is completed, the incisions are left open for a short time in order to prevent the formation of edema and flow out of the liquid formed inside. After the liquid flows out, the incisions are closed with stitches and the application area is tightly bandaged.

After the liposuction application, it is possible to experience a slight redness, swelling and bruising in the area. In order to reduce swelling and contribute to a fast and healthy healing process, a compression garment should be worn for at least 2 weeks after the application. Although it varies from person to person, the swelling in the application area will begin to decrease gradually, usually one week after the application. Mild swelling for several months is considered normal. The final result is usually visible after a few months.

During the early recovery period after liposuction surgery, patients should never stay still. Walking at a light pace minimizes the risk of blood clots after surgery. However, strenuous exercises should not be done for the first 4 weeks.

Patients should take care to drink plenty of water after liposuction. In the first few days when the body is swollen, the need for fluids is greater to prevent dehydration. In order for the long-term result of the operation to be more successful, calorie consumption should be limited. In the case of a healthy diet, the results obtained will be preserved for a long time and the healing process will be positively affected.

After the application, the body naturally reacts to fill the treated area with fluid. Wearing a compression garment contributes to reducing the pain and swelling associated with the operation. In addition, it positively affects the process of taking the new shape of the body. Therefore, the compression garment should be used for the period specified by the doctor.

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