BBL Surgery

BBL Surgery



BBL Surgery

bbl ameliyatı

The buttocks are undeniably one of the most eye-catching aspects of the feminine physique and attractiveness. Plump and straight hips are a physical trait that practically every woman desires since they enhance the appearance of any outfit. Butt lift techniques are used to generate broader, more upright, and active hips.

The goal of a buttlift should not simply be to TRANSFER fat into the hip and enlarge the butt. It will be impossible to obtain the ideal natural and artistic appearance if this point of view is adopted. As a result, while doing buttock aesthetics, the patient’s body as a whole should be evaluated, and planning should be done properly. The patient’s expectations and requirements should be reviewed together during the planning process.

The goal of Brazilian butt lift is for the patient to have a natural appearance. One of the primary goals of using this procedure is to make the buttocks more raised and voluminous, as well as smooth and feminine.

What exactly is BBL Surgery?

It is a technique that involves transferring extra fat from the belly, waist, and leg regions to the buttocks and contouring the buttocks to create a more raised and rounder buttock. BBL, an aesthetic procedure that results in a more voluminous, youthful, and natural-looking butt, is used to tighten the butt, make the butt more voluminous and upright, and clarify the folds between the waist and the hip. People with high skin quality in the buttocks are favored candidates for BBL surgery. BBL aesthetics cannot produce the desired effects in persons who have extra skin in the buttocks or whose skin quality is inadequate.

What is the purpose of BBL surgery?

Brazilian butt Lift is a cosmetic treatment used to increase hip fullness by fat transfer. People whose hips have lost their natural form owing to age or weight changes might benefit from BBL cosmetic surgery. Furthermore, because the technique is based on fat injection, there must be enough fat for fat transfer in other areas of the person’s body. Simultaneously, if the person’s general health is GOOD  there is no obstacle to the procedure.

Brazilian butt lift surgery costs vary based on how many parts of the body are liposuctioned and how much fat is collected. In situations when fat is extracted from the patient’s belly, back, and waist area and injected into the buttock, the process takes around 2 hours. When fat is removed from the legs and arms, the procedure might take up to 3-4 hours.

It is critical for the effectiveness of BBL surgery to inject fats extracted from other places of the patient’s body and processed. To achieve broader hips, fat is injected into the hip region. To get more rounded and prominent hips, fat should be injected into the upper buttocks. As a result, a better butt view is acquired.
Another critical aspect of BBL aesthetics is the injection of fat between the skin and hip muscles. The hip muscles have vessels with a width of 4 mm. Fat embolism can occur if fat is injected into the muscle and escapes into the vein. As a result, the area where the fat should be injected into the region between the skin and the muscle once it has been seen using ultrasonography.

Who Is BBL Surgery SUITABLE For?

BBL can be used on persons who have a straight line between their back and hips instead of folds, whose garments do not fit their body correctly because their body lines are not obvious, whose hip lines are smaller than the rest of their body, and who have looseness and collapse in the butt area. BBL cosmetic surgery can be used on both male and female patients who seek more accentuated body lines and a steeper buttock.
Some considerations must be made in order to undertake BBL cosmetic surgery by fat injection. People with fully drooping and sagging hip tissue cannot benefit from this surgery. In BBL cosmetic surgery, there are two major reasons for eliminating fat from the abdomen and waist. The first of these is waist thinning by eliminating fat from these areas. As a result, even if a thin waist fat injection treatment is not used, the buttock seems to be bigger. The other reason is that because of the structural properties of the fat in the abdominal and waist region, they can NOT survive in the location where they are injected for a longer period of time. As a result, fats extracted from these places are absorbed less efficiently than fats extracted from other parts of the body and remain in the area where they are injected.

What is the procedure for BBL surgery?

bbl ameliyatı nasıl yapılır

The locations where fat will be taken are decided prior to the Brazilian buttock cosmetic surgery, and the patient is given full information about which areas of fat will be extracted and which sections of the buttock will be inserted by sketching. In addition to the donor locations where fat will be extracted during the surgery, the injection sites must be determined.

Liposuction is the first stage in BBL surgery. Fat can be removed from the anterior abdominal wall, the back area, or the lateral parts of the abdomen using the liposuction process. The crucial thing is that the liposuction treatment is performed with the intention of forming the patient’s physique into the shape of an hourglass. When estimating the quantity of fat to be consumed, the patient’s overall health and structural qualities should be carefully considered.

Liposuction fats are processed and supplemented with stem cells after being extracted from specific locations. The oils extracted using specific cannulas are prepared for transmission at this step by using the purifying procedure. The operation is finished by injecting the spots that have been established.

During the first two weeks following surgery, the patient should not lie down or lie down with a burden on their hips. Simple pain relievers can be taken at this time to alleviate the sensation of pain and discomfort. During everyday activities, the patient should take care to stand up and wait 2 to 4 weeks before returning to work and regular life. Following BBL surgery, the COMPRESSION GARMENT should be worn for the time period indicated by the doctor. The corset should be able to provide pressure to the area where the fat is eliminated, but it should also be able to rise without giving pressure to the buttocks. As a result, a softer fabric corset or leaving the buttock area uncovered should be worn for an average of 6 weeks after the procedure.

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