Postbariatric Aesthetic Interventions

Postbariatric Aesthetic Interventions



Postbariatric Aesthetic Interventions

postbariatrik estetik girişimler

Obesity is a chronic illness that is linked to a variety of medical issues and can be difficult to manage. Thanks to bariatric surgical treatments, it is hoped that weight reduction processes would be facilitated with permanent or temporary alterations made in the digestive tracts of patients who do not have an impediment to the application. People who are unable to reduce weight via diet and exercise alone and who have health problems as a result of their excess weight might benefit from bariatric surgery. Overweight people have a BMI of 25 or higher, while obese people have a BMI of 30 or higher. Body mass index is determined using a person’s height and weight.

Morbidly obese people’s skin may be damaged when it stretches to accommodate extra body fat. Excessive stretching causes the skin to lose its suppleness. After a significant weight reduction, the skin is unable to adjust to the changing form of their body. As a result, there is severe skin sagging. Sagging skin not only detracts from one’s aesthetic appeal, but it may also lead to health issues such as infection and redness. As a result, individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight should undergo post bariatric body contouring procedures.

What is Post bariatric Aesthetic Interventions?

Post bariatric surgery is a combined cosmetic body shaping operation used to address deformations and sagging in individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight following bariatric surgery.

The patient’s post bariatric cosmetic procedures are planned and can be combined. In this context, interventions can be made to the breast, back, and arm areas, as well as the hip, waist, and abdominal areas, as well as the face and neck areas. It is now feasible to do many operations with a single procedure thanks to post bariatric cosmetic therapies. As a consequence of simultaneous procedures in different places, it has the benefit of obtaining anesthesia just once and recovering at the same time.

It is preferable to wait 4 to 6 months between surgeries to lessen the chance of the patient experiencing various anesthetic and surgical problems. However, modifications in this regard may occur as a result of individual judgments and requirements.

While performing combined aesthetic planning as part of post bariatric aesthetic procedures, it should be determined whether the patient’s general health state is adequate for a new surgery. The patient’s ability to maintain weight stability should be closely monitored.

Why Is Postbariatric Aesthetic Applied?

Post bariatric cosmetic operations are used to decrease or remove excesses that result after substantial weight reduction. Body contouring techniques enhance the shape and form of the underlying tissue. Excess oil and skin are removed from the sagging areas. As a result, smoother body contours and a more attractive look are created.

Post bariatric surgical operations remove drooping and loosening in various sections of the body caused by extreme weight reduction, reducing an aesthetically disagreeable terrible aspect.

Who Can Benefit From Post bariatric Aesthetic Interventions?

Aesthetic operations performed after bariatric surgery; achieving the desired weight following bariatric surgery,

Those who want to remove the sagging and deformations that occur after bariatric surgery in their body, Those who wish to eliminate the sagging and deformations that occur after bariatric surgery in their body,

Although there is extra skin in certain regions, excessive fat buildup is modest. Because there are no general health issues that exclude the use of combination procedures, it may be applied to people who have reasonable expectations about the procedure.

How Do Post bariatric Aesthetic Interventions Actually Happen?

postbariatrik estetik girişimler neden yapılır

Individual post bariatric cosmetic procedures are designed based on the patient’s demands. Breast lifts, arm lifts, lower body lifts, and tummy tucks are the most frequent body contouring treatments.

The lower half of the upper arm is reformed from the armpit to the elbow during arm lift surgery, and the skin with excessive drooping downwards is minimized. The underlying support tissue that defines the upper arm’s form is tightened and smoothed. Simultaneously, localized fat pockets in the upper arm are decreased. The length and form of the incision used in arm lift surgery are dictated by the location and amount of skin to be removed. Within the scope of the surgery, it may be preferable to directly remove the extra fat or to use the liposuction method. Arm lift surgery can be performed alone or as part of a combination of cosmetic procedures.

Following the removal of extra skin and reshaping of the breast, the process is finished by supporting the surrounding tissues to sustain the new breast form. What approach will be used for this surgery, which does not produce significant changes in the size of the breasts; it is decided by parameters such as breast size and shape, nipple size and location, degree of breast drooping, excess skin, and skin elasticity. Following the removal of breast tissue by incision according to the selected procedure, contouring is performed to increase breast firmness and shape. If the areola is enlarged during the operation to relocate the nipple, it can be decreased by excising it from surrounding the skin. To compensate for the loss of elasticity, extra breast skin may be removed.

Excess skin and sagging in the hip and thigh area can be removed with lower body lift surgery. From the inner thigh thightening procedure, an incision is created from the groin to the knee. Liposuction can be used if necessary. Different incision techniques are employed to enhance the appearance of the outer thigh and hip region.

When deciding on the cosmetic surgical treatments to be used on the buttocks, hereditary factors come into play. It may be sufficient to trim the extra skin in some individuals to achieve healing in the buttock area, but in others, fat injection or implant placement may be necessary to eradicate the flat buttock look.

Excess fat and skin are removed during the abdominoplasty operation, resulting in a tighter and smoother abdomen. A horizontal incision is created along the bikini line during complete tummy tuck surgery. The form and length of the incision are determined by the amount of skin to be removed. The abdominal skin is raised, and the muscles beneath it are restored. If there is extra skin in the upper abdomen, a second incision around the navel may be required. The extra skin is clipped and sutured after the upper abdominal skin is brought down. The procedure is finished by the creation of a new belly button.

It is possible to have discomfort following post bariatric aesthetic operations, like with any surgical surgery. However, the pain is manageable with mild pain relievers recommended by the doctor.

Recovery period following post-bariatric surgery might vary based on the kind and scope of the procedure. Dressings or bandages, as well as temporary drain placement, might be put to the incisions. Patients may need to wear a corset for 1-3 months, depending on the kind of surgery. Medicines given by the doctor should be taken on a daily basis to ensure a healthy and quick recovery, regardless of the surgical procedure. After post bariatric cosmetic operations, you can begin mild sports with a one-month recovery period. However, the doctor’s clearance is required, and the program should be gradually strengthened over time, again with the doctor’s agreement.

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