


burun dolgusu

Because of its central location on the face, the nose is regarded as one of the most significant aspects of facial beauty. Defects in the nose structure, which disturb the aesthetic look, might lead to a person’s lack of self-confidence. Having a nose that complements the person’s facial characteristics allows for a more meaningful facial expression. However, not everyone is born with a nose that allows them to have an attractive look. In this circumstance, rhinoplasty surgery becomes an efficient option for many people to obtain the desired appearance. However, while some people are unhappy with the look of their noses, they do not desire rhinoplasty, or a surgical operation. NOSE FILLER, which is not a surgical technique, allows for nose correction without the use of sutures or incisions. NOSE FILLER is a medical cosmetic APPLICATION that involves injecting filler materials beneath the skin. In most cases, hyaluronic acid is used in NOSE FILLER injections.

What exactly is nose FILLER APPLICATION?

Nose filler is a medical cosmetic APPLICATION used to improve the overall look of the nose and give it an appealing aspect. NOSE FILLERS containing hyaluronic acid are utilized in the injection.

Some people’s nose structures may not be suited for NOSE FILLER. Nasal cosmetic surgery should be conducted if there is significant deformity in the nose or if the nose volume is intended to be lowered and it is not feasible to rectify with NOSE FILLER. Similarly, anatomical issues such as valve failure or breathing difficulties cannot be rectified with the NOSE FILLERS.

Why is Nose FILLER  Performed?


Providing a straight line look on the nose while concealing the arched construction,

Raise the tip of the nose over the arch point.

Nasal asymmetries are corrected.

Removal of nasal deformities

Elimination of nasal tissue loss, nasal collapse, or nasal drop collapse caused by hereditary or other reasons,

Nasal curvatures are removed,

If drastic alterations, such as surgical intervention in the nose structure, are not desired, it can be used.

Although NOSE FILLER cannot be used to reduce the size of the nose, it can be utilized to provide a more proportionate look. Excessive movement of the nose wings while laughter can be avoided with nasal filler injection. Nasal filler can also be utilized to correct asymmetry issues that arise following rhinoplasty.

The nasal bridge, tip, and sides are targeted with filler injections during the nose filling process. Filler injections can be administered to any selected section of the nose if a form modification is required.


Nose filler; it can be used on adults above the age of 18 who have completed their physical growth. However, the individual must be free of any medical conditions that may preclude NOSE filler injection. NOSE FILLER should not be utilized on pregnant or lactating women, people with coagulation abnormalities, people who are allergic to the filler used in injections, or those who have active autoimmune illnesses including Hashimoto’s, Behçet’s disease, or SLE.

People with a modest arch, curvature, and nasal tip droop are considered good candidates for the nose filling surgery.

How Does Nose FILLER Applied ?

Before administering the NOSE filler injection, the patient’s expectations and needs are discussed. Taking digital photos of the area to be applied determines the area to be applied. By applying anesthetic cream to the application region, it is believed to have an impact. Using very fine-tipped needles, filling material is injected into the predetermined spots. Following the injection, the final shaping is performed. This ensures that the nose has a lovely and, most importantly, natural appearance.

Temporary discomfort, redness, and swelling may occur at the injection site after the injection. For the first 24 hours following NOSE FILLER, the nose region should not be touched or massaged. Hot showers, baths, solarium, strenuous sports, and sun rays should be avoided for 4 days.

In most cases, hyaluronic acid-containing fillers are utilized in nose FILLER APPLICATION procedures. Although it varies from person to person, the permanency term of hyaluronic acid-containing fillers ranges between 12 and 18 months. The period of permanence may vary depending on the structural qualities of the individual and the properties of the filler employed.

Fillers such as calcium hydroxyapatite or mineral fillers are also utilized in nose injections. Permanence might last between 1.5 and 2 years depending on the individual. However, hyaluronic acid-containing fillers are thought to be healthier, simpler to administer, and less likely to induce reactions.

What Are the Benefits of NOSE FILLER APPLICATION?

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NOSE FILLER is a highly efficient operation for those who want their nose to seem more attractive but do not want or have not yet chosen to have rhinoplasty. It is a pretty basic technique that involves injecting the proper amounts of filler into the region indicated by the individual’s demands. In this manner, the required touch-ups may be simply applied, and the nose can be molded until the ideal appearance is reached. At the same time, NOSE FILLER is a far less expensive option than nasal cosmetic surgery. If the individual does not have any severe abnormalities, Filler injections may be able to produce the desired look. Despite the fact that it is a temporary APPLICATION unlike cosmetic SURGERIES, it produces effective outcomes in a timely, practical, and painless manner.

Hyaluronic acid, the most often used filler in NOSE FILLER injections, is a naturally occurring material in the human body. As a result, there is no way for it to create any adverse effects or harm. The hyaluronic acid injection NOSE FILLER treatment is highly safe.

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