Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast Reduction Surgery



Breast Reduction Surgery

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Breast form and size, which are one of the most essential aspects of female attractiveness, can create not only aesthetic worries, but also certain medical and psychological health issues. Although many people think of breast reduction aesthetic surgery as a cosmetic procedure that women use to improve their outward look, breast reduction surgery is also a functional procedure that is used for health reasons.

Women who have breasts that are bigger than they should be and are sagging as a result of their size might have significant neck and back discomfort. It can even cause humpback in some circumstances. In circumstances when the bra used for breast recovery rests on the arm nerves, numbness may occur, and the individual may have difficulties breathing. Under the breast, a rubbing rash and sores may develop. Women’s physical activity on a daily basis may be compelled. Aside from all of this, the fact that women’s breasts are bigger than they should be has a severe impact on their psychological health. Women cannot wear what they want because of the size of their breasts, and they may have major issues picking clothes. They may have social and psychological issues as a result of disliking their looks. Breast reduction surgery helps women to have a more natural look and breasts that are in proportion to their body shapes. Simultaneously, the circumstance that causes bodily and psychological issues is eradicated, and the woman’s living comfort is enhanced.

What exactly is Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction aesthetic surgery is a surgical treatment used to reduce the size of the breasts, which are bigger than normal and cause physical and psychological pain in women, so that they seem in line with the rest of the body’s lines. Breast reduction surgery involves the removal of excess breast tissue, fat, and skin. This ensures that the breasts are brought to the correct size and, more significantly, that they are in harmony with the rest of the body.

Excessive breast tissue, volume, and fat can be produced by hereditary causes, as well as birth, lactation, excessive weight gain, and hormonal variables. Breast reduction surgery provides women with equal-sized, newly created, symmetrical breasts. Furthermore, circumstances that give the patient bodily and psychological anguish are eliminated, and the patient’s quality of life is improved.

Breast reduction surgery can be done in a variety of ways. Factors such as the size of the breasts, the degree of drooping, the location of the nipple, the patient’s age, and if he or she wishes to have a child after the procedure, that is, whether he or she will nurse, are considered when deciding the approach. When breastfeeding function must be preserved, procedures that retain the mammary gland and its link to the nipple are favored.

Why is Breast Reduction performed?

Breast reduction aesthetics, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical technique that may be used for both cosmetic and medical purposes to alleviate health problems. Breast reduction surgery may be required for a variety of reasons, including sagging, unhappiness with one’s look, and inability to wear a particular attire, which is often observed when the breasts are bigger than what is considered normal. Asymmetry can be visible in some circumstances because both breasts are not the same size. Breast reduction cosmetic surgery might be utilized in this scenario to generate asymmetry between both breasts. In this scenario, however, the operation can be completed by using separate procedures on both breasts.

Breast reduction surgery is performed for medical reasons to reduce shoulder, back, and neck pain caused by large breasts and to avoid the growth of humpbacks. Similarly, breast reduction surgery can be performed to alleviate the pressure generated by bra straps or to avoid the growth of fungus, diaper rash, ulcers, or infections beneath the breasts. People who have huge breasts may have difficulty doing their everyday physical tasks.

Breasts can develop or lose form owing to hereditary factors, as well as excess weight, hormonal irregularities, pregnancy, nursing, age, certain health conditions, and other factors. Breast reduction surgery, which becomes available at this point, can be used to address both cosmetic and medical issues. Women who get breast reduction surgery can have breasts that are smaller, more formed, visually acceptable, and organically consistent with their body lines. Aside from removing cosmetic issues, a considerable boost in comfort is also feasible.

Who Is Breast Reduction Appropriate For?

Breast reduction procedure;

-Breast development is finished.

-Experiencing back, waist, and neck pain as a result of their breasts being bigger than normal,

-The size of her breasts does not correspond to the rest of her physique.

-Because of the size of her breasts, she is unable to wear the outfits she desires.

-Because of the huge and drooping breasts, the nipple is considerably lower than it should be.

-Pressure on the shoulders as a result of the bra tightening to collect the breasts,

-Bend forward in the shoulders and bend forward in the neck,
-Under the breast, redness, rash, and fungal infection are common, especially in the summer.
-It can be used to treat persons who suffer arm numbness.

Although breast reduction surgery is a surgical treatment performed on individuals over the age of 18 and breast growth, if it creates extremely significant issues in the person, it may be feasible to do breast reduction before the age of 18 with the doctor’s and family’s agreement.

What Are the Different Types of Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction surgery is a surgical treatment that is conducted using approaches that have been decided for the patient, or it is planned for the patient.

The patient’s nipple and the pigmented region known as the areola are removed in a circular motion as part of the free nipple grafting process. After removing and reshaping the appropriate amount of extra tissue from the breast, the areola is sutured in place. This technique is especially beneficial for women with big breasts, heavy smokers, and diabetics. Patients who had free nipple grafting lose their ability to breastfeed following the procedure. Because the milk ducts are no longer attached to the nipple, the nipple has lost its previous sensation.

Techniques that employ the nipple-areola complex in combination with a pedicle to remove additional regions; It protects the nipple-areola complex, which includes the nipple and its surrounds as well as the breast tissue, which serves as a blood circulation support for this structure. Pedicle refers to breast tissue that is kept as a whole with the nipple and is not surgically touched. The pedicle is critical because it guarantees that the breast’s breastfeeding characteristic is preserved. The surgically preserved pedicle structure is called for its location in the breast, and the surgical procedures utilized to preserve the pedicle structure are as follows: lateral (outer) pedicle, superomedial (upper-inner) pedicle, inferior (lower) pedicle, horizontal (horizontal) double pedicle, medial (inner) pedicle, superior (upper) pedicle, superolateral (upper-outer) pedicle, vertical (vertical) double pedicle

The goal of pedicle selection is to offer the optimum blood circulation and sensory support to the nipple while still having adequate breast tissue to form the breast. Because pedicle selection is based on the size of the breast, the degree of drooping in the breast, the surgeon’s expertise, and personal preferences, it is chosen on a patient-by-patient basis, and a perfect pedicle selection cannot be given.
The incisions used to remove extra skin after breast augmentation surgery are effective in identifying the scars that will form.

A circular scar forms just around the areola in the periareolar scar. In addition to the circular scar that forms around the areola in the vertical scar, a lollipop shape forms that extends vertically from the areola to the midline. In the reverse T incision procedure, a horizontal scar is generated in the inframammary fold in addition to the circular scar around the areola and the vertical scar at the lower pole. Only with the horizontal incision is there a horizontal scar at the level of the inframammary fold, in addition to the scar surrounding the areola. There is a scar that runs down and takes the shape of the letter J outward in the inframammary fold starting from the scar surrounding the areola in a.J-shape. A horizontal scar is created in the inframammary fold, beginning in the L-shaped region surrounding the areola and going vertically down and outward.

What Are the Benefits of Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction surgery can reduce health concerns, particularly back, neck, and shoulder pain caused by the size of the patient’s breasts. Simultaneously, it may be able to eliminate the condition that causes self-confidence loss. The application has the potential to improve the patient’s quality of life.

What are the Breast Reduction Costs?

Breast reduction costs are one of the most perplexing topics for people considering breast reduction cosmetic surgery. Nonetheless, T.C. Price information on cosmetic treatments cannot be provided on websites due to a directive issued by the Ministry of Health. As a result, price information may be provided after the patient has been assessed.

How Is Breast Reduction Done?

Aesthetic breast reduction operations are conducted under general anesthesia. The breast tissue is molded to be compatible with the person’s body measurements throughout the treatment, and superfluous breast tissue and skin are eliminated. The nipple has been raised. The procedure to be used is selected on an individual basis based on the size and sagging of the breast. The procedure takes between 2 and 4 hours to complete.

Lollipop Scar Breast Reduction: This approach involves making a circular incision around the patient’s nipple and removing superfluous breast and skin tissue. The nipple can be relocated to a higher place if necessary. A drain is inserted in the application region, and the breast cosmetic surgery is done, in order for the healing process to be quick and healthy, and the blood stored in the breast to be flushed out.

Inverted T Scar Breast Reduction: Excess breast and fatty tissue are removed from patients using this approach by creating an incision on both the bottom half of the nipple and the breast fold.

Breast Reduction with Graft Technique: Patients may be unable to make milk following breast reduction surgery if breast tissue is removed without preserving nerves and veins in this approach, which is used to treat too big breasts.

Patients are frequently detained in the hospital overnight following breast reduction surgery. It is usual for the patient to have minor pain during the first several days. This discomfort can be managed with mild pain relievers recommended by a doctor. Swelling and bruising in the application region will heal on their own in a short period of time. The swelling and edematous look of the breast tissue will improve after 3-4 weeks.

Sports bras and recommended drugs should be used on a regular basis during the recovery phase to ensure a quick and healthy recovery. Both the amount of discomfort and the form of the breast will improve as a result of the sports bra. Because of its construction, the sports bra does not exert pressure on the breasts and keeps them from swinging. For six weeks following the procedure, the patient should avoid strenuous workouts and motions. Similarly, lifting hefty weights should be approached with caution. Scars from surgical incisions heal in roughly a year.

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